Product Search:

We provide prices online as a reference. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. In case of discrepancy, the instore price shall be deemed as correct. This search is NOT a real time inventory. Please treat it as a reference guide to products we have carried in the past. Call 604.882.1201 to confirm inventory and availability

Search Results:

ProductSize | Price
Bulk Washed Sand
Washed Sand - Bulk Scoop
Bulk Washed Sand

Washed locally sourced sand. Makes an excellent base for stepping stones. Can be used for sandboxes or lawn drainage. Attractive and ready to use. You can also mix washed sand with soil to improve drainage in your landscape.

Sold by the tractor scoop with is 50-60% of a yard

Tractor Scoop
From $42.00
Last Online Update

We strive to ensure that all prices displayed are accurate. In case of a price discrepancy, the in-store price shall be deemed to be correct.

Not all products are in-store at all times. Please treat this data as a product reference, not a real time inventory. Always call ahead 604.882.1201 to ensure availability.

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